
import org.lastools.LASHeader;
import org.lastools.LASPoint;
import org.lastools.LASReader;
import org.lastools.LASlibJNI;

public static void main(String [] args) {
    // Initialize the native library
    // Get an instance of LASReader for provided file
    try (LASReader reader = new LASReader("src/test/resources/1.0_0.las")) {
        // Get the header information of the file
        LASheader header = reader.getHeader();
        // Check that the file is supported and in tact
        if (header.check()) {
            // Ok, read points
            while (reader.readPoint()) {
                LASPoint point = reader.getPoint();
                double x = point.getX();
                double y = point.getY();
                double z = point.getZ();
                System.out.println(x + y + z);